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School Programs

Community Programs

These workshops will empower your students to collaborate, empathize and inspire each other in a powerful and meaningful way that will positively affect other aspects of their lives.
Ages 3 -18
By project
Available year round
Accessible for all
Program Details
Available Session Times for
School Programs
Community Programs
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Program Overview:

We have an in-house creative team that is able to work with schools to explore specific themes or issues using our unique inclusive methodology. Working alongside the faculty we create custom programs which can be delivered as either a single or multiple sessions. These programs will empower your students to collaborate, empathize and inspire each other in a powerful and meaningful way that will positively affect other aspects of their lives. 

By integrating themed programs that incorporate an element of age-appropriate science and technology we are able to infuse ‘A’ into ‘STEM' in a seamlessly and meaningful way.

 These residencies not only enhance students’ educational experience but also cultivate essential life skills such as: communication; problem-solving; time-management and decision-making.  

Key features of these programs are: 

  • An inclusive approach: ensuring that every student feels valued and empowered to express themselves. 
  • Societal agency: by the use of theatre as a tool to inspire meaningful conversations around important social issues, fostering a culture of respect and understanding. 
  • Flexibility: whether incorporated into daily lessons or offered as engaging afterschool activities, our residencies adapt to the needs of each school—and in fact     can adapt to the needs of the participants on any given day. 
  • Community Impact: by extending our reach through these programs, we aim to effect change not just within the classroom but across entire  communities. 

Location Details:
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School Programs
Ages 3 -18
By project
Available year round
Accessible for all
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